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The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Picea schrenkiana (Pinaceae)


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Picea is a phylogenetically complicate genus with great economic and ecological values. Here, we determined the whole complete chloroplast genome of Picea schrenkiana to provide genomic information for phylogenetic analysis of the genus. The plastome of P. schrenkiana is 124,060 bp in size and contains 114 genes, including 74 protein-coding genes, 36 tRNA genes, and four rRNA genes. The overall GC content is 38.7%. Unlike the typical plastome with a conserved quadripartite structure, loss of inverted repeat regions is found in the chloroplast genome. The phylogenetic tree shows that monophyly of P. schrenkiana is well supported.
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Picea schrenkiana,chloroplast genome,Pinaceae
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