Geosocial Location Classification: Associating Type to Places Based on Geotagged Social-Media Posts

SIGSPATIAL '20: 28th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems Seattle WA USA November, 2020(2020)

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Associating type to locations can be used to enrich maps and can serve a plethora of geospatial applications. An automatic method to do so could make the process less expensive in terms of human labor, and faster to react to changes. In this paper we study the problem of Geosocial Location Classification, where the type of a site, e.g., a building, is discovered based on social-media posts. Our goal is to correctly associate a set of messages posted in a small radius around a given location with the corresponding location type, e.g., school, church, restaurant or museum. We explore two approaches to the problem: (a) a pipeline approach, where each message is first classified, and then the location associated with the message set is inferred from the separate message labels; and (b) a joint approach where the messages are simultaneously processed to yield the desired location type. We tested the two approaches over a dataset of geotagged tweets. Our results demonstrate the superiority of the joint approach.
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