Research on Rain Removal Method for Single Image Based on Multi-channel and Multi-scale CNN


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Rainy days and other severe weather will seriously affect the image quality, thus affecting the performance of vision processing algorithms. In order to improve the imaging quality of rain images, a rain removal algorithm based on multi-channel multi-scale convolution neural network to extract rain line features is proposed. Firstly, the rain images are decomposed by wavelet threshold-guided bilateral filtering to obtain high-frequency rain line images and low-frequency background images with high contour preservation. Then, in order to make the rain line information in the high-frequency part of the image more obvious and reduce the background misjudgment in the high-frequency image during the rain line feature learning, the obtained high-frequency rain line image is passed through a filter again to obtain a higher-frequency rain line image with reduced background information and enhanced rain line information. Secondly, in view of the large amount of raindrop imprint left on the low-frequency background image, it is proposed to send the low-frequency background image and the higher-frequency rain line image together into the convolution neural network for feature learning, in which multi-scale feature information is extracted from the image, finally, a more complete restoration image with rain line removal is obtained. At the same time, when constructing the network model, hole convolution is used instead of standard convolution to extract the feature information of the image, thus obtaining richer image features and improving the rain removal performance of the algorithm. From the experimental results, after removing rain, the image is clear and the detail retention is high.
Deep learning,Dilated convolution,Image decomposition,Multi-scale feature extraction
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