Multi-agent energy management of smart islands using primal-dual method of multipliers


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This paper basically concentrates on providing an appropriate distributed-based energy management framework in smart islands. Smart island is defined as insular territory with the ability to implement integrated solutions to the management of infrastructures and natural resources. The distributed optimization is accomplished by using primal-dual method of multipliers which has shown more promising performance in terms of execution time and convergence rate compared to the alternating-direction method of multipliers. The proposed energy management scheme is carried out between 5 different agents including an energy hub, a networked multi-microgrid with 3 agents and a transportation system. The transportation system comprises of the subway system and plug-in electric vehicles. The proposed networked multi-microgrid is made up of 3 microgrid systems, each one comprises of wind generation units, photovoltaic units and a tidal unit. Despite the assumption that the agents are both suppliers and consumers of energy and are completely operated and separated from the other sections, they share energy through a peer-to-peer energy trading. Such sharing scheme will be ended up by obtaining an equilibrium point through which a consensus is reached and all the parties are satisfied. Results prove the validity of the proposed approach in providing a proper energy negotiation framework in a smart island in terms of accuracy and applicability. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clean smart island,Transportation system,Microgrid,Primal-dual method of multipliers,Renewable energy sources
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