Influence of foliar application of potassium and its spray schedule on quality, yield and nutrient content of leaf in Citrus

Vijay,Rps Dalal, Sourabh, Hemant Saini, Vikas Sheoran

International Journal of Chemical Studies(2019)

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The cultivation of citrus crop is gaining impetus in light textured soils of north western India where rice-wheat is the predominant cropping sequence which urgently needs to be diversified. Studies have revealed that the soils of citrus orchards are highly deficient in potash. Correction of K deficiencies particularly at pre- and post anthesis stage of the crop improved yield and quality of the fruit. Foliar application of K through different sources and combinations and its spray schedule at bloom and early fruit development stage of the crop was found to influence the yield and quality parameters such as average fruit weight, number of fruits/plant, size (diameter and proportion of medium and large fruits), yield, peel content, peel thickness, rag and juice content, TSS, reducing, non-reducing and total sugar, ascorbic acid and acidity of the citrus fruits over control and other treatments. The nutritional status of the leaf was also found to be influenced due to different respective treatments on K. The impact of K and its spray schedule on related parameters in some other fruit crops has also been discussed and compared in the present manuscript. There is lack of information on economically important citrus crops like Kinnow mandarin (Citrus reticulata) and Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis), the major crops in north western region of the country. The systematic array of the results of different investigations on the aspect compiled in this manuscript may help in formulating and executing the research endeavour in this direction for further improvement.
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