Weakly Supervised Sentiment-Specific Region Discovery for VSA

The Computer Journal(2022)

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Local information has significant contributions to visual sentiment analysis (VSA). Recent studies about local region discovery need manually annotate region location. Affective local information learning and automatic discovery of sentiment-specific region are still the challenges in VSA. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end VSA method for weakly supervised sentiment-specific region discovery. Our method contains two branches: an automatic sentiment-specific region discovery branch and a sentiment analysis branch. In the sentiment-specific region discovery branch, a region proposal network with multiple convolution kernels is proposed to generate candidate affective regions. Then, we design the multiple instance learning (MIL) loss to remove redundant and noisy candidate regions. Finally, the sentiment analysis branch integrates both holistic and localized information obtained in the first branch by feature map coupling for final sentiment classification. Our method automatically discovers sentiment-specific regions by the constraint of MIL loss function without object-level labels. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on four benchmark affective datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.
visual sentiment analysis,sentiment-specific region discovery,weakly supervised learning
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