Hiding in Plain Site: Detecting JavaScript Obfuscation through Concealed Browser API Usage


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ABSTRACTIn this paper, we perform a large-scale measurement study of JavaScript obfuscation of browser APIs in the wild. We rely on a simple, but powerful observation: if dynamic analysis of a script's behavior (specifically, how it interacts with browser APIs) reveals browser API feature usage that cannot be reconciled with static analysis of the script's source code, then that behavior is obfuscated. To quantify and test this observation, we create a hybrid analysis platform using instrumented Chromium to log all browser API accesses by the scripts executed when a user visits a page. We filter the API access traces from our dynamic analysis through a static analysis tool that we developed in order to quantify how much and what kind of functionality is hidden on the web. When applying this methodology across the Alexa top 100k domains, we discover that 95.90% of the domains we successfully visited contain at least one script which invokes APIs that cannot be resolved from static analysis. We observe that eval is no longer the prominent obfuscation method on the web and we uncover families of novel obfuscation techniques that no longer rely on the use of eval.
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