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Critical Exploration of Flexible Delivery


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This work-in-progress research article presents an introductory qualitative study on students' perceptions of a flexibly delivered, modular computer science course. Many contemporary approaches to education rely in various ways on flexible delivery of course content. This is often done to capitalize on modern technology and the web, and to put the student `in the center.' However, it is becoming manifest that these approaches may challenge both the students and the equity between them, making it important to understand the effects of flexible delivery in terms of the students. In the voice of our students, flexible delivery was seen as a largely positive approach, reducing stress, promoting true learning, and allowing students to better manage their workloads. We also see the effect of the learning environment (teacher, LMS, materials, activities) on a flexible course. Although this qualitative study cannot foreground the extent of typical self-regulation challenges with flexibility, we argue that the observations made precipitate discussion on flexible delivery in curriculum planning from the students' perspective.
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flexible course,work-in-progress research article,flexibly delivered computer science course,modular computer science course,LMS,curriculum planning
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