Output-Feedback Self-Synchronization of Directed Lur’e Networks via Global Connectivity

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics(2022)

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In this article, we generalize the results on self-synchronization of Lur’e networks diffusively interconnected through dynamic relative output-feedback from the undirected graph case in Zhang et al. 2016 to the general directed graph case. A linear dynamic self-synchronization protocol of the same structure is adopted as the one proposed in Zhang et al. 2016. That is, the Lur’e-type nonlinearity is not involved in our self-synchronization protocol. It is in fact unknown and only assumed to be incrementally sector bounded within a given sector. In the absence of a leader Lur’e system defining the synchronization trajectory, we construct a novel self-synchronization manifold in order to derive the self-synchronization error dynamics. Meanwhile, the connectivity of the general directed graph having a directed spanning tree is quantified by the global connectivity, instead of the so-called general algebraic connectivity used in the directed graph case under static relative state feedback. The global connectivity plays a crucial role in handling self-synchronization problems of directed nonlinear networks via dynamic relative output feedback, including directed networks with the Lipschitz nonlinear node dynamics, which is also discussed in this article. The protocol parameter matrix design is performed by solving the obtained LMI conditions in sequence. In addition, some discussions are complemented on the important technical details in our self-synchronization protocol design along with extensions. Finally, our theoretical results are illustrated through numerical simulations over a directed nonlinear dynamical network.
Directed Lur’e network,dynamic relative output-feedback,global connectivity,linear matrix inequality,self-synchronization
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