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Poster: Data-Aware Edge Sampling for Aggregate Query Approximation

2020 IEEE/ACM Symposium on Edge Computing (SEC)(2020)

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Data stream processing is an increasingly important topic due to the prevalence of smart devices and the demand for realtime analytics. One estimate suggests that we should expect nine smart-devices per person by the year 2025 [1]. These devices generate data which might include sensor readings from a smart home, event or system logs on a device, or video feeds from surveillance cameras. As the number of devices increases, the cost of streaming the device data to the cloud over the wide-area network (WAN) will also increase substantially. Transferring and querying this data efficiently has become the focus of much academic research [2]-[5]. Edge computation affords us the opportunity to address this problem by utilizing resources close to the devices. Edge resources have many different use cases, including minimizing end-to-end latency or maximizing throughput [6], [7]. We restrict our focus to minimizing the required WAN bandwidth, which is an effort to address the increase in data volume.
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data-aware edge sampling,aggregate query approximation,data stream processing,smart devices,realtime analytics,smart-devices,sensor readings,device data,wide-area network,edge computation affords,edge resources,data volume,WAN bandwidth,end-to-end latency,video feeds,surveillance cameras,system logs,cloud
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