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Lateral Resolution of Gravity and Magnetic Data of Point(line) Source Models under Given Survey Accuracy


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When there are two or more neighboring geological bodies, the gravity (gravity anomaly, gravity tensor) and magnetic fields (magnetic anomaly, magnetic tensor) will be superimposed, which will make it difficult to distinguish multiple geological bodies laterally. Therefore, we need to study the lateral resolution of gravity and magnetic fields. Based on the forward theory of gravity and magnetic fields, this paper takes the sphere (point source model) and the infinitely extended horizontal cylinder (line source model) as an example to study the theoretical and actual lateral resolution of gravity anomalies, gravity tensors, reduction to the pole magnetic anomalies, and vertical magnetization magnetic tensors. The results show that the theoretical lateral resolution varies linearly with depth. The actual lateral resolution of gravity and magnetic data under given survey accuracy is positively correlated with mass, magnetic moment and survey accuracy. The actual lateral resolution decreases exponentially with depth. This study will guide the practical application of gravity and magnetic exploration.
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Lateral resolution,Gravity anomalies,Gravity tensor,Reduction to the pole(RTP) magnetic anomalies,Vertical magnetization magnetic tensor
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