
Use of Nivolumab (N) and Cabozantinib (C) for Treatment of the Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma (mrcc) in the Veneto Region: Results of AMOUR Study.

Journal of clinical oncology(2021)

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290 Background: Second (2L) or third-line (3L) treatment options for mRCC have dramatically changed in the last years. The standard of care as per Italian Regulatory Agencies approvals is N or C. To date, there are no criteria for the choice between N and C, which both demonstrated OS gain in the pivotal trials. Methods: We planned a retrospective, real world analysis of the use of N and C as 2L and 3L treatment in 17 Oncology Units of Veneto Region. All consecutive patients (pts) with mRCC treated in advanced setting in 2017-2018 were included. Results: We identified 170 pts, 73% males, median age 68.4 years. All pts started a 2L treatment while only 59% received a 3L treatment. In our cohort, patients with NLR > 3 at treatment start had a shorter OS (43 vs 90 months (mos), p < 0.0001); IMDC classification maintained its prognostic role. In 2L, N was administrated in 108 pts (63%), C in 29 pts (17%); in 3L N was administrated in 42 pts (25%), C in 49 pts (29%). Reported oncologists’ reasons for 2L choice were: change of mechanism of action compared to first line (28%), response to previous TKI (21.2%), intolerance to TKI (17.6%), previous toxicity (12.9%), tumor burden (11.2%), age of the patient (4.1%). Median OS and PFS in 2L were 28.4 and 6.6 mos for N, 16.8 and 6.6 mos for 2L C. Median OS and PFS in 3L were 27 and 5.2 mos for N, 16.6 and 7.5 mos for C. 46 pts received the sequence of drugs N > C, 12 the opposite sequence C > N. Median OS for N > C vs C > N were 96.6 vs 36 mos (p > 0.0001); median PFS for both the sequences were similar at 5.7 mos (p = ns). The cost per patient of the sequence N > C is 51.606 € while for the sequence C > N is 31.480,00 €. Between the two sequences a cost effectiveness per month of survival analysis was performed: the cost per month of OS for the sequence N > C was 534,18 € while for the sequence C > N was 874,46 €, heavily higher. Conclusions: In our real-world setting cohort, most of the pts received N as 2L treatment and a minority received C. Outcome of single drug are superimposable to published literature. With the limits of the retrospective nature of the study, with a cost per month of OS lower a much longer OS, the sequence N > C appear to be a better treatment strategy.
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