
Immunophenotypic characterization of TCR æ T cells and MAIT cells in HIV-infected individuals developing Hodgkin's lymphoma

Christina K. S. Muller,Julian Spagnuolo,Annette Audige,Andrew Chancellor,Doris Russenberger,Alexandra U. Scherrer,Matthias Hoffmann,Roger Kouyos,Manuel Battegay,Gennaro De Libero,Roberto F. Speck, K. Aebi-Popp, A. Anagnostopoulos,M. Battegay, E. Bernasconi, J. Boni, D. L. Braun, H. C. Bucher, A. Calmy, M. Cavassini, A. Ciuffi, G. Dollenmaier, M. Egger, L. Elzi, J. Fehr, J. Fellay, H. Furrer, C. A. Fux, H. F. Gunthard, D. Haerry, B. Hasse, H. H. Hirsch,M. Hoffmann, I. Hosli, M. Huber, C. R. Kahlert, L. Kaiser, O. Keiser, T. Klimkait,R. D. Kouyos, H. Kovari, B. Ledergerber, G. Martinetti, B. Martinez de Tejada, C. Marzolini, K. J. Metzner, N. Muller, D. Nicca, P. Paioni, G. Pantaleo, M. Perreau, A. Rauch, C. Rudin,A. U. Scherrer, P. Schmid,R. Speck, M. Stockle, P. Tarr, A. Trkola, P. Vernazza, G. Wandeler, R. Weber, S. Yerly


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Background Despite successful combined antiretroviral therapy (cART), the risk of non-AIDS defining cancers (NADCs) remains higher for HIV-infected individuals than the general population. The reason for this increase is highly disputed. Here, we hypothesized that T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma delta cells and/or mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells might be associated with the increased risk of NADCs. gamma delta T cells and MAIT cells both serve as a link between the adaptive and the innate immune system, and also to exert direct anti-viral and anti-tumor activity. Methods We performed a longitudinal phenotypic characterization of TCR gamma delta cells and MAIT cells in HIV-infected individuals developing Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL), the most common type of NADCs. Cryopreserved PBMCs of HIV-infected individuals developing HL, matched HIV-infected controls without (w/o) HL and healthy controls were used for immunophenotyping by polychromatic flow cytometry, including markers for activation, exhaustion and chemokine receptors. Results We identified significant differences in the CD4(+) T cell count between HIV-infected individuals developing HL and HIV-infected matched controls within 1 year before cancer diagnosis. We observed substantial differences in the cellular phenotype mainly between healthy controls and HIV infection irrespective of HL. A number of markers tended to be different in V delta 1 and MAIT cells in HIV+HL+ patients vs. HIV+ w/o HL patients; notably, we observed significant differences for the expression of CCR5, CCR6 and CD16 between these two groups of HIV+ patients. Conclusion TCR V delta 1 and MAIT cells in HIV-infected individuals developing HL show subtle phenotypical differences as compared to the ones in HIV-infected controls, which may go along with functional impairment and thereby may be less efficient in detecting and eliminating malignant cells. Further, our results support the potential of longitudinal CD4(+) T cell count analysis for the identification of patients at higher risk to develop HL.
HIV,Hodgkin&#8217,s lymphoma,MAIT cells,T-cell receptor (TCR) &#947,&#948,cells
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