
Effects of Different Tillage Systems on Soil Properties, and Yield and Yield Components of Barley

Archives of agronomy and soil science/Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde(2021)

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ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess the influence of tillage systems on soil characteristics as well as barely yield. The two-year experiment with the tillage systems (NT, no-tillage; MT, minimum-tillage; and CT, conventional-tillage) and barley cultivars was done. Vetch was pre-planting in the rotation with barley. About 30% of vetch residue remained in the NT and MT systems, but in CT, these residues were buried by moldboard. Results showed that NT was superior to MT and CT in terms of the soil properties, earthworm number and earthworm body mass. Remains of vetch, as a pre-planted crop, were effective in increasing these indicators. Also, the improvement of these indicators made the no-tillage superior to the MT and CT in terms of geometric mean diameter, mean weight diameter and soil moisture content. In contrast, soil porosity was higher in CT system. In conclusion, soil structure improved during the two years of the experiment when MT or NT was used, while CT was not effective in improving the soil structure. Grain yield (5973 kg ha−1) and NFS (5163) were higher in NT than MT and CT, suggesting that the change in soil structure has provided a better environment for the yield.
Conservation tillage,soil physico-chemical properties,soil organic matters,soil structure
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