
Consultation Competencies in Prolonged Exposure Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Psychological trauma(2023)

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Introduction: The Emory University Prolonged Exposure (PE) Consultant Training Program seeks to develop a national network of competent PE consultants. Comprehensive training in empirically supported treatment (EST), such as PE, includes a didactic training followed by a period of experiential learning through consultation during real-world clinical practice (Karlin & Cross, 2014). Expert consultants are needed to meet demand as ESTs are disseminated. Method: The Emory program has developed a training model to develop 18 consultation skills within five competency domains: the consultation relationship, general psychotherapy skills, PE-specific skills, trainee barriers to delivery, and implementation. Results: The current article outlines these domains and discusses their theoretical background and applied value for PE consultant training, drawing on examples from the Emory program. Discussion: Just as manualizing therapy has allowed for EST dissemination, the operationalizing of consultation competencies can provide a first step in disseminating evidence-based consultation practice. Clinical Impact Statement Expert consultation is key to ensuring prolonged exposure (PE) is disseminated widely and with fidelity. Future PE trainers can adopt and improve upon the competencies and skills outlined in this article to develop a strong network of competent consultants, thereby increasing the number of highly skilled and motivated PE therapists throughout the community. Further, trainers for other empirically supported treatments (ESTs) can adapt these competencies to develop consultation training programs specific to their treatment modalities. Increased rigor in consultation practice will ensure clinicians have the support to implement PE and other ESTs with fidelity and skill.
prolonged exposure,PTSD,consultation,competency,training
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