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CL-ACP: a parallel combination of CNN and LSTM anticancer peptide recognition model


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Background Anticancer peptides are defence substances with innate immune functions that can selectively act on cancer cells without harming normal cells and many studies have been conducted to identify anticancer peptides. In this paper, we introduce the anticancer peptide secondary structures as additional features and propose an effective computational model, CL-ACP, that uses a combined network and attention mechanism to predict anticancer peptides. Results The CL-ACP model uses secondary structures and original sequences of anticancer peptides to construct the feature space. The long short-term memory and convolutional neural network are used to extract the contextual dependence and local correlations of the feature space. Furthermore, a multi-head self-attention mechanism is used to strengthen the anticancer peptide sequences. Finally, three categories of feature information are classified by cascading. CL-ACP was validated using two types of datasets, anticancer peptide datasets and antimicrobial peptide datasets, on which it achieved good results compared to previous methods. CL-ACP achieved the highest AUC values of 0.935 and 0.972 on the anticancer peptide and antimicrobial peptide datasets, respectively. Conclusions CL-ACP can effectively recognize antimicrobial peptides, especially anticancer peptides, and the parallel combined neural network structure of CL-ACP does not require complex feature design and high time cost. It is suitable for application as a useful tool in antimicrobial peptide design.
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Key words
Anticancer peptide, Secondary structure, Neural network model, Attention mechanism
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