
Bio-fuel Algal Waste Diet Effect on Growth and Histological Structure of Wader Pari (rasbora Lateristriata Bleeker, 1854) Intestine

IOP conference series Earth and environmental science(2020)

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Sufficient availability of good food quality is important for fish aquaculture in order to increase fish production. Microalga is one of alternative protein sources, and one among those is Chorella sp. Protein content of Chlorella sp. is very high, around 51- 58 % and consists of various kinds of essential fatty acids, which is important for fish nutrition. Recently, Algae also prospective source of ethanol biofuel. Ethanol extraction usually produce waste material, which still consist of high protein content, which valuable for fish feed sources. Therefore, the study aimed to examine the effects of fish food derived from algae biofuel-waste on growth and histological structure of wader pari (Rasbora lateristriata) intestine. Fish were divided into 5 groups of control negative (no additional protein), feed with waste algae, waste + Fresh algae, fresh algae and commercial fish food, respectively. The fish morphometry, weight, and intestine histological structure were examine. The results showed that fish feed treatment gave effect on fish growth and instestine histological structure. Algae waste feed showed similar performance to commercial fish feed on fish growth and showed no negatif effect on intestine villi length and goblet cells number, evidenced good prospect of algae waste as fish feed.
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