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Personalization as an instrument to support communication between a salesperson and a customer is already a widespread element in practice. This communication has a two-way effect. A salesperson can present his offer to a customer in a way that he considers effective in terms of implicit and explicit effect on the customer's needs and benefits. On the contrary, a customer can, thanks to personalization, directly influence the salesperson's behaviour and his offer. Personalization is therefore advantageous for both participants in the business transaction, but it also carries risks, such as the risk of misuse of customers' personal data. However, in times of crisis, such as the coronavirus crisis, when a significant proportion of business activities are moved to the Internet, personalization is one way for a salesperson to increase his competitiveness. The thesis deals with the personalization of the Internet, its benefits for users and its impact on the success of a salesperson. It presents the approaches used for its implementation, categorizes them and analyses the theoretical foundations. It also examines whether and how individual personalization techniques are used in crisis communication in practice between marketing specialists. The main benefit of the work is a comprehensive view of personalization and its use in the real environment of today's world.
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Communication,Competition,Competitiveness,Consumer,Crisis,Customer,Information Technology,Internet,Personalization,Salesperson
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