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Social media as an opportunity for s-commerce development at the time of covid-19 pandemic


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The need to limit physical contact in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among people brought about social distancing and isolations which can be very mentally challenging for many. Social media therefore play an important role, allowing internet users to express their views freely at any time and to share information with the general public in couple of seconds. It is the virtual environment that seems to be a suitable alternative that would enable social interaction. In practice, this is reflected, for example, in the buyer's efforts to become more familiar with the properties and features of products offered on the market through the experience of other customers published on the Internet. As the time people spend in their homes has increased significantly as a result of the measures taken due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, people spend their time online on social media. At the same time, the rise of an emerging trend known as s-commerce can also be expected. The presented paper focuses on elements able to help the growth of social media, especially in connection with the purchase plan.
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Groundswell,Information,Internet User,Marketing Communication,S-Commerce,Social Media
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