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Effect of FeO Content on Foaming and Viscosity Properties in FeO-CaO-SiO2-MgO-Al2O3 Slag System


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The foaming process is an important part of the electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking process. It can promote thermal efficiency and reduce refractory consumption. FeO is a key material used during the foaming process. Unlike with other components used in forming foaming slag, the amount of FeO can be controlled by oxygen or carbon injection. Therefore, adjusting the content of FeO is the most economical foaming mode adopted for the EAFs steelmaking process. In this study, the influence of FeO content on the physical properties of slag was discussed. The melting temperature of the slag was evaluated using three methods: viscosity experiment, using Thermo-Calc simulation software, and high-temperature optical method. The experimental results revealed that the viscosity of slag increases as FeO content decreases. The results also revealed that foam height ratio exhibited a positive correlation with the viscosity of slag.
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Key words
foaming,Ca2SiO4,viscosity,solid-phase particles
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