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Security Risks Of Sharing Content Based On Minors By Their Family Members On Social Media In Times Of Technology Interference


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Digitization and technology interference influence the living conditions of the young generation and their perception of privacy and private identity. Social media is changing the way internet users obtain and share information and digital narratives about family members. One of the groups most affected by such actions is minors. People are not sufficiently aware of the consequences of their actions in this regard, as these might have a negative impact on the emotional, social and intellectual development of a child or young person as they do not have any control over the information being published online. The problem is even more serious as the minimum age limit for granting consent to the processing of personal data has not been set (neither the current legal system nor the GDPR has laid down such an age limit). The current legislation de facto allows legal guardians to deny minors entrusted to their care the right to privacy, thus giving rise to digital abduction, personal identity theft or cyberbullying of minors who should be enjoying legal protection against any form of harm. The paper analyses the content and type of information social media users share, in particular sensitive data, using qualitative scientific methods. In this regard, the paper researches the possibilities of implementing the existing legal framework with a view to propose legal and social mechanisms to increase the protection of a specific category of data subjects in the context of the,need to know" principle.
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Social media,Groundswell,Communication,Technology interference,Personal data,The right to privacy,GDPR
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