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Novel Device with Ultra Low Noise for Smaller CMOS Image Sensor Pixel

T. H. Hsu,Shou-Gwo Wuu,D. N. Yaung, J. C. Liu, H. H. Tseng, W. D. Wang, W. C. Hsu, W. I. Hsu,T. J. Wang,Y. L. Tu,C. S. Tsai, W. P. Mo, C. E. Chen


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Minimize pixel noise is a very important topic to enhance signal to noise (S/N) ratio of CMOS image sensor (CIS), especially for smaller pixel. In this work, we have developed a novel device with self-aligned junction isolation (SAJI) and operated by buried channel. With optimized process and junction profile, this novel device can demonstrate better narrow width effect (NWE), lower flicker (1/f) noise and larger photodiode (PD) sensing area than STI device by surface channel.
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