
Ethnic Density Effect on Alcohol-Related Hospitalizations among Chinese Enclaves and Ethnoburbs in California, 2007-2011.

Drug and alcohol dependence(2022)

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Introduction: Research suggests there is an 'ethnic density effect' whereby racial/ethnic minority populations appear healthier when they reside in neighborhoods with greater numbers of people from the same ethnic group. The purpose of this study is to test whether this effect is observed for residents in Chinese enclaves (immigrant neighborhoods in urban areas) and ethnoburbs (immigrant neighborhoods in suburban areas) for measures on alcohol abuse and dependence. Methods: ZIP code areas of California that represented Chinese enclaves and ethnoburbs were identified and mapped. Spatial regression models were used to compare neighborhood-level effects, including the ethnic density of Chinese enclaves and ethnoburbs on observed rates of alcohol-related hospitalizations compared to the rest of California. Analyses used Bayesian Space-Time Misalignment Poisson models on the annual number of alcohol-related hospitalizations per ZIP code for the years 2007-2011 (n = 8488 space-by-time units). Results: Ethnic density effect appeared for residents of ZIP code areas with greater proportions of Chinese Americans (RR=0.986, 95% CI: 0.982, 0.990). After controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, residents of ZIP code areas representing Chinese enclaves had lower risks for alcohol-related hospitalizations (RR=0.766, 95% CI: 0.630, 0.927); hospitalizations among residents of Chinese ethnoburbs no longer differed from the rest of the state. Compared to Chinese enclaves, Chinese ethnoburbs had a lower poverty rate (p <.001), a greater English fluency rate (p =.002), and similar proportions of residents who were Chinese and foreign-born. Conclusion: Despite the socioeconomic advantages of living in Chinese ethnoburbs, populations living in these neighborhoods experience more problems related to alcohol abuse and dependence.
Alcohol,Neighborhoods,Ethnic density effect,Ethnic enclaves,Ethnoburbs,Immigrants,alcohol-related hospitalizations
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