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Making Translations to Classical Planning Competitive with Other HTN Planners.

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(2022)

Cited 6|Views37
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Translation-based approaches to planning allow for solving problems in complex and expressive formalisms via the means of highly efficient solvers for simpler formalisms.To be effective, these translations have to be constructed appropriately. The current existing translation of the highly expressive formalism of HTN planning into the more simple formalism of classical planning is not on par with the performance of current dedicated HTN planners. With our contributions in this paper, we close this gap: we describe new versions of the translation that reach the performance of state-of-the-art dedicated HTN planners. We present new translation techniques both for the special case of totally-ordered HTNs as well as for the general partially-ordered case. In the latter, we show that our new translation generates only linearly many actions, while the previous encoding generates and exponential number of actions.
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Planning,Routing,And Scheduling (PRS)
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