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Analyzing Variations in the Association of Eurasian Winter–Spring Snow Water Equivalent and Autumn Arctic Sea Ice

Remote sensing(2022)

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Because Eurasian snow water equivalent (SWE) is a key factor affecting the climate in the Northern Hemisphere, understanding the distribution characteristics of Eurasian SWE is important. Through empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, we found that the first and second modes of Eurasian winter SWE present the distribution characteristics of an east–west dipole and north–south dipole, respectively. Moreover, the distribution of the second mode is caused by autumn Arctic sea ice, with the distribution of the north–south dipole continuing into spring. As the sea ice of the Barents–Kara Sea (BKS) decreases, a negative-phase Arctic oscillation (AO) is triggered over the Northern Hemisphere in winter, with warm and humid water vapor transported via zonal water vapor flux over the North Atlantic to southwest Eurasia, encouraging the accumulation of SWE in the southwest. With decreases in BKS sea ice, zonal water vapor transport in northern Eurasia is weakened, with meridional water vapor flux in northern Eurasia obstructing water vapor transport from the North Atlantic, discouraging the accumulation of SWE in northern Eurasia in winter while helping preserve the cold climate of the north. The distribution characteristics of Eurasian spring SWE are determined primarily by the memory effect of winter SWE. Whether analyzed through linear regression or support vector machine (SVM) methods, BKS sea ice is a good predictor of Eurasian winter SWE.
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Eurasian SWE,Arctic sea ice,Arctic oscillation,water vapor flux
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