The Role of Principle in Internal Quality Assurance for 4.0 Era in Madarasah
Proceedings of the Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference Education Culture and Technology, ICONECT 2019, 20-21 August 2019, Kudus, Indonesia(2019)
The principal has a very important role in internal quality assurance in Madarasah.The role of school principals in era 4.0 is strongly related to the mastery of digitalization technology that is growing rapidly at this time.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role of principals in madrasah on internal quality assurance in era 4.0.This research method uses a literate approach, a case study model.Analysis of the case study model has an output concept about the competency of the principal in mastering digitalbased technology, which is used to facilitate the internal quality assurance process in Madarasah.The results of this study, the competency of principals' knowledge of digital development has not been maximally responded, so that the technical mastery of digital technology that is useful in internal quality assurance is not in accordance with quality standards, and the low level of mastery of digital technology cannot be transmitted to educators and educated components in Madarasah that they manage.The conclusion of this paper, shows that the competency of the school principal in mastering the digitalization of technology in the quality assurance process in the Madarasah has an important role in era 4.0, in addition to other supporting competencies.The contribution of this paper is the need to standardize digitalization mastery competencies in quality assurance in Madarasah.
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