
Substantiation of the method of meat sample preparation for instrumental determination of consistency

Theory and practice of meat processing(2019)

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In recent years, there has been a transformation in the choice and lifestyle of Russian citizens. An increasing part of the population makes a more reasonable choice, taking into account all aspects, including the most important for meat products — these are organoleptic characteristics, in particular the consistency of the product. Consumers prefer products with the delicate, soft texture, expect good «biteness» and «cheweness». Therefore, preference is given to tender, juicy meat with a low content of connective tissue. The most commonly used method for testing meat consistency in laboratories around the world is a method that uses strength testing machines with a Warner-Bratzler blade (WB blade). In this work, the Shimadzu AGS-1kN universal testing machine (Japan) was chosen for research. Samples obtained from l. dorsi of pork and beef were selected as meat raw materials. To determine the optimal and reproducible method of sample preparation, some of them were subjected to heat treatment before analysis. In the study of samples without heat treatment, deviations from the average were more than 11%. After meat was cooked, a decrease in the relative standard deviation of the maximum shear stress from the average was achieved: from 11% in raw meat to 5% in a pork sample and 5.3% in a beef sample. The heat treatment of pre-cut samples led to a change in their geometric shape, which created additional difficulties for obtaining correct results, and also negatively affected the increase in the relative deviation to 15.5% for beef.
consistency,pork,beef,sample preparation,shear stress
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