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The Influence of Certification and Competence of Teacher Toward Esprit De Corps to Improve Teacher Performance

Sri Sukamta, Totok Florentinus, Titi Prihatin, S. Martono

Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, ISET 2019, 29th June 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia(2020)

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Low teacher performance is influenced by teacher certification and teacher competence, but are not too significant. Significant influence on the increase in teacher performance is the Esprit de Corps possessed by each teacher. The existence of intervening Esprit de Corps that are able to significantly improve teacher performance is evidence that certification and competence possessed by teachers do not directly affect teacher performance. But there must be a sense of Esprit de Corps that belongs to every teacher. This study determine the effect of certification and teacher competency on Esprit de Corps to improve teacher performance. The research methodology used in this research is descriptive research method and literature review. The result of the research from this study state that teacher certification and teacher competence have a direct relationship to the Esprit de Corps so it can be concluded that teacher competence have an influence on the Esprit de Corps. Based on the result of the study, it is recommended that the Esprit de Corps be more concerned in the teacher certification factor and teacher competency, so that teacher performance which is influenced by these two factors can increase.
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