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A 915-1220 TOPS/W Hybrid In-Memory Computing Based Image Restoration and Region Proposal Integrated Circuit for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors in 65nm CMOS

2022 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC)(2022)

Cited 1|Views20
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binary images,conventional connected component labeling algorithm,ROIs,von Neumann operation,promising IMC approach,high energy efficiency,in-memory operations,IMC-based image restoration,image storage,region proposal integrated circuit,bio-inspired asynchronous event-based neuromorphic vision sensors,paradigm shift,visual information sensing,event-driven operation,low-power operation,Internet-of-Things scenario,traffic monitoring,redundant wake-up operation,energy efficient in-memory computing based denoise operation,blank-frame detection,energy savings,spatial redundancy-objects,bounding box location coordinates,size 65.0 nm
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