
Analysis of the Application Ability of SC Dual-Polarization Radar in Convective Weather in Jiangxi Province

Chen Lai, Chunhua Wen,Shulin Zhi, Junlin Long,Liang Wang,Yang Cao

2019 International Conference on Meteorology Observations (ICMO)(2019)

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On March 21, 2019, large scale convective weather disasters occurred in the southern part of the south of the Yangtze River with kinds of disasters (short-term heavy rain and hail). As a newly upgraded dual-polarization radar, how Jiangxi Jian radar's application capability in convective weather needs to be evaluated. Using the dual-polarization parameters (differential reflectivity Z_DR, the specific differential phase K_DP, differential phase φ_DP, correlation coefficient ρ_HV) and the ground rainfall data and the three-dimension lightning data in the radar detection range, to explore their relationship and evaluate their application ability. The results show that the Z_DR, K_DP and φ_DP at low elevation angle are significantly ahead of ground rainfall, meanwhile the changes of intracloud flashes(ICs) and cloud-toground flashes(CGs) frequency are more advanced about 5-10min, which can helps to predict the evolution trend of ground rain intensity in advance. During hail process, the moment when horizontal reflectivity Z_H begins to increase is about 15min before ground hail, and the other polarizations advance earlier. At the same time, the first increase and then decrease of the ICs frequency and the rapid increase of CGs frequency occurred before hail. When the increase trend of Z_H or lightning frequency turns to decrease, hail weather will occur. These indicators have a good indicator for the prediction of thunderstorms and hail.
dual-polarization radar,short-term heavy rain,hail,intracloud flashes (ICs),cloud-to-ground flashes (CGs)
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