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First D0 Metal-Catalyzed Alkyl–Alkyl Cross Coupling Enabled by a Redox-Active Ligand

Roman G. Belli, Victoria C. Tafuri, Matthew Joannou,Courtney C. Roberts

ACS catalysis(2022)

Cited 14|Views4
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Alkyl–alkyl cross coupling through well-defined mechanisms that allow for controlled oxidative addition, prevent beta-hydride elimination, and tolerate hindered electrophiles are still challenging. We describe the first report of a redox-active ligand-enabled alkyl–alkyl cross coupling using a d0 metal. This (tris)amido ScIII complex as well as the oxidized variant are thor-oughly characterized (NMR, X-ray, EPR, CV, UV-Vis, DFT). Insight into the likely radical nature of the mechanism is dis-closed. Additionally, a substrate scope that includes functional groups incompatible with late transition metal catalysis, and both coupling partners bearing beta-hydrogens is reported.
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cross-coupling,scandium catalysis,alkyl-alkyl bonds,redox-active ligands
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