
Production of Tambaqui and of the Tambatinga and Tambacu Hybrids: Performance, Morphometric Traits, and Body Yield

Ana Carla Carvalho Silva,Ruy Alberto Caetano Correa Filho,Darci Carlos Fornari,Janessa Sampaio de Abreu,Annaiza Braga Bignardi, Mariane de Freitas Genari Severino, Luiz Felipe dos Santos Amorim, Laziele Villela Albuquerque, Igor Lacerda Carneiro,Jayme Aparecido Povh


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This study evaluates the performance, morphometric traits, and body yield of the freshwater fish tambaqui, and of the tambatinga and tambacu hybrids. These fish were reared in cages with a 6 m3 usable volume, during three production phases: (I) 0-77 d of rearing (600 fish/cage), (II) 77-264 d of rearing (200 fish/cage), and (III) 264-402 d of rearing (100 fish/cage). In total, 5400 fish from three genetic groups were used in each experimental group (replicated three times). Phase I showed no significant difference in performance between the genetic groups. The exceptions to this were the condition factor and body height, which were highest (p < 0.05) for tambatinga; and specific growth rate and body width, which were highest (p < 0.05) for tambaqui and tambatinga. During phase II, the final weight was higher (p < 0.05) in tambaqui (943.6 g) and tambatinga (686.8 g) than in tambacu (276.4 g). The same was true for other performance traits, whereas the morphometric traits were highest (p < 0.05) in tambaqui. During phase III, tambaqui showed a higher final weight (1764.1 g; p < 0.05) than tambacu (654.8 g), whereas the final weight of tambatinga (906.0 g) did not differ from that of the other genetic groups. The morphometric traits were higher (p < 0.05) in tambaqui than in tambacu in phase III. The evaluated body yield percentages were similar between the groups, with the exception of bone yield, which was highest (p < 0.05) in tambacu. The results showed that during phase II, tambaqui was superior to tambatinga in terms of its morphometric traits, and that it outperformed tambacu in performance and morphometric traits. In phase III, tambaqui achieved greater biomass gains than tambatinga and had better performance and morphometric traits than tambacu. The body yields (with the exception of bones) were similar to those of tambatinga and tambacu.
Colossoma macropomum,Fish performance,Hybrid fish,Piaractus brachypomus,Piaractus mesopotamicus
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