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Flash: Fast and Light Motion Prediction for Autonomous Driving with Bayesian Inverse Planning and Learned Motion Profiles

IEEE/RJS International Conference on Intelligent RObots and Systems (IROS)(2022)

Cited 6|Views37
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Motion prediction of road users in traffic scenes is critical for autonomous driving systems that must take safe and robust decisions in complex dynamic environments. We present a novel motion prediction system for autonomous driving. Our system is based on the Bayesian inverse planning framework, which efficiently orchestrates map-based goal extraction, a classical control-based trajectory generator and a mixture of experts collection of light-weight neural networks specialised in motion profile prediction. In contrast to many alternative methods, this modularity helps isolate performance factors and better interpret results, without compromising performance. This system addresses multiple aspects of interest, namely multi-modality, motion profile uncertainty and trajectory physical feasibility. We report on several experiments with the popular highway dataset NGSIM, demonstrating state-of-theart performance in terms of trajectory error. We also perform a detailed analysis of our system's components, along with experiments that stratify the data based on behaviours, such as change-lane versus follow-lane, to provide insights into the challenges in this domain. Finally, we present a qualitative analysis to show other benefits
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Key words
autonomous driving systems,Bayesian inverse planning framework,classical control-based trajectory generator,complex dynamic environments,compromising performance,experts collection,isolate performance factors,learned motion profiles,light motion prediction,light-weight neural networks,motion prediction system,motion profile prediction,motion profile uncertainty,orchestrates map-based goal extraction,popular highway dataset NGSIM,road users,robust decisions,safe decisions,traffic scenes,trajectory error,trajectory physical feasibility
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