A Hybrid Automata Based on Event Algebra for CPS Modelling
2021 IEEE 21st International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C)(2021)
Cyber-Physical Systems(CPS) is usually complex system in which discrete computing process and continuous physical control process are deeply fused. Events are an important bridge between computing unit and physical control unit. In general, events in the CPS domain are not only of diverse types and large numbers, but also combine to form more complex events. The description method of events in CPS behavior modeling is studied, an event algebra is defined, and its syntax, semantics, properties and applications are discussed. Furthermore, the event algebra is used to describe the interaction events in the hybrid automata to enhance its ability to describe complex events, so that it is more suitable for CPS behavior modeling. A case is given to show how to model behavior of CPS by the extended hybrid automata at last.
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Cyber-Physical System,CPS modelling,event algebra,hybrid automata
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