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Ectopic Expression of a Rice Triketone Dioxygenase Gene Confers Mesotrione Tolerance in Soybean.

Shunhong Dai,Nikolaos Georgelis,Mohamed Bedair, Yun-Jeong Hong,Qungang Qi,Clayton T. Larue, Bikram Sitoula, Wei Huang, Brian Krebel, Michael Shepard, Wen Su, Keith Kretzmer, Jiaxin Dong,Thomas Slewinski, Sarah Berger,Christine Ellis,Agoston Jerga,Marguerite Varagona

Pest Management Science(2022)

Cited 6|Views23
Key words
triketone dioxygenase (TDO),mesotrione,herbicide tolerance trait,hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD),phytoene desaturase (PDS),carotenoids
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