
A High-Temperature Thermal Stability and Optical Property Study of Inorganic Coatings on Ceramic Particles for Potential Thermal Energy Storage Applications

Solar energy materials & solar cells/Solar energy materials and solar cells(2022)

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Ceramic-based packed bed solutions are becoming more common in the energy fields as both thermal energy storage and heat exchanger. Such solutions are usually designed for the working temperature ranges above 600 degrees C, thus thermal radiation becomes significant and even acts as the dominant heat transfer mechanism. Therefore, applying high-temperature coatings with different thermal properties could be an efficient way in enhancing the performance of these applications. In this work, the high-temperature long residency and cyclic thermal stability of six inorganic coatings applied on a ceramic substrate are investigated. Both qualitative and quantitative assessments are performed. The results show that HIE-Coat 840MX and Pyropaint 634 ZO exhibit excellent thermal stability performance both at high-temperature testing (1000 degrees C) and under thermal cycle testing (400 degrees C-800 degrees C). TiO2 based coatings could be a viable solution if the powder is pre-treated to avoid polymorph transition during the operation. Stainless steel 304 powder-based coating could also be a possible solution, since the adhesive curbs the oxidation and hinders the coating from deterioration. Contrarily, Pyromark 2500 and MgO based coating show different degradation problems that limit their exploitation in high temperature applications undergoing thermal cycles. The investigated coatings show a wide range of thermal emissivity (between 0.6 and 0.9), with stable or decreasing trends with temperature. This enables a potential 20% change of the effective thermal conductivity for the packing structure. This work is a stepping-stone towards further detailed experimental studies on the influence of coatings on various packed bed thermal storage systems, and thus offer a new option in improving the performances of the energy equipment with packed bed systems.
Packed bed thermal energy storage,Thermal emissivity,Inorganic coating,Effective thermal conductivity,Thermal stability
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