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Non Formal Vocational School During Covid-19 Pandemic

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Vocational Education and Technology, IConVET 2021, 27 November 2021, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia(2022)

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The existence of the covid-19 pandemic changed the learning system in schools.Teaching and learning activities in schools that were carried out directly or face to face turned into online, but Does University (DU), a non-formal vocational school that has an independent learning concept, continues to carry out its activities as usual.This study aimed to describe how DU can continue to carry out the teaching and learning process as usual during the pandemic.This research was conducted at the DU, which was founded by famous musicians from Yogyakarta, Indonesia.Data collection was done by observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies to obtain accurate data about how the school can still conduct learning activities directly or face-to-face during the pandemic.The results showed that 1) DU is a boarding school where the students have been quarantined before the pandemic; therefore, the school does not make policies to study at home; 2) The school is located on land that is relatively separated from residential areas, so social distancing has been carried out before the pandemic; 3) The application of independent learning made students accustomed to learning independently since before the pandemic; 4) There is a facilitator who can help students if they have difficulty finding learning resources.
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