Smart Technologies and Their Role in the Modernization of Non-motorized Urban Transport in Russia
The urban population growth and the negative impacts of the current car focused transport systems imply significant challenges with respect to environmental and social sustainability for governments and planners in cities. At the same time sustainable transport systems in combination with smart technologies could help in solving these challenges. This article is focused on the usage of these smart technologies in sustainable transport modes, such as bike sharing systems and smartphone applications. We discuss the main benefits and disadvantages of non-motorized individual transport i.e., cycling and walking, smart solutions used in cycling and walking and the results of a pilot survey among cyclists in St. Petersburg, Russia. The aim of this article is to present a short overview of existing smart solutions used by cyclist and pedestrians and carry out a short pilot survey about the usage and barriers of these smart solutions. It was found, that not all smart technologies are equally well used.
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Bike-sharing systems, Urban transport systems, Sustainable transport development
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