
Greek Wine Quality Assessment and Relationships with Climate: Trends, Future Projections and Uncertainties


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Grapevine phenology is particularly sensitive to temperature variations, with changes in climate shifting events earlier and advancing berry maturation into a hotter part of the growing cycle. Consequently, serious concerns regarding the negative influences of climate change on global wine quality have been raised, with the scientific community focusing on documenting these changes to better understand and address the impacts. This study adds to this knowledge by investigating air temperature and precipitation trends over the last 40 years (i.e., 1980-2019). Over the most recent period of records (i.e., 2000-2019), minimum air temperatures significantly increased at a higher rate than maximum temperatures. On the other hand, precipitation showed the least significant trends over time. In addition, wine quality assessment and identification of the most significant weather variables and climatic indices that correlate with wine quality rating scores have also been performed. To serve this purpose, data of wine quality ratings for nine white (W) and two red (R) indigenous winegrape varieties (Vitis vinifera L., cvs) grown in Greece were obtained from the database of Thessaloniki International Wine and Spirits Competition. The results showed a statistically significant upward trend over the recent past in the majority of the varieties studied. To examine future periods, mixed-effect model outputs for Greek wine-producing regions combining an ensemble dataset using RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission pathways during two future periods (i.e., 2041-2065 and 2071-2095) predicts wines of higher quality, especially during the latter time period. These results reveal that Greek wine quality rating variations are mainly driven by higher maximum temperatures and drier conditions during the growing season of the grapevines. However, two important issues need to be more fully explored in Greece and elsewhere; (1) non-linear responses to warming where wine quality could suffer above varietally specific optimum temperature thresholds and (2) a better understanding of how other non-climate-related factors (e.g., canopy management, winemaking innovations) affect wine quality in the face of a changing climate.
greek wine quality,climate change,indigenous winegrape varieties
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