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Identification of Wheat Leaf Rust Resistance Genes in Chinese Wheat Cultivars and the Improved Germplasms

Hui Wu,Zhanhai Kang,Xing Li, Yanyan Li,Yi Li, Shuo Wang,Daqun Liu


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Leaf rust is an important wheat disease that is a significant hindrance for wheat production in most areas of the world. Breeding resistant cultivars can effectively and economically control the disease. In the present study, a wheat collection consisting of 100 cultivars from China and 18 improved germplasms from global landrace donors together with 36 known single Lr gene lines were tested with 20 strains of Puccinia triticina Eriks. in the seedling stage to postulate the Lr gene in the cultivars and germplasms. In addition, 12 diagnostic molecular markers specific to 10 Lr genes were used to detect the presence of the Lr genes in the wheat collection. Resistance to leaf rust of these cultivars at the adult plant stage was tested in fields under natural infection during the 2016 to 2018 cropping seasons in Baoding, Hebei Province. The gene postulation combined with molecular marker detection showed that six Lr genes (Lr1, Lr26, Lr33, Lr34, Lr45, and Lr46) were identified in 44 wheat accessions, including 37 cultivars and seven improved germplasms. Among the 44 wheat accessions postulated with Lr genes, Lrl was present in four accessions, Lr26 in 12 accessions, Lr33 in two accessions, Lr34 in 14 accessions, Lr45 in three accessions, and Lr46 in 16 accessions. In the collection of 118 cultivars/germplasms, 34 wheat lines displayed adult-plant resistance carrying Lr34, Lr46, and/or underdetermined genes. Therefore, a high level of leaf rust resistance can be achieved through the combination of all-stage resistance and adult-plant resistance genes together in wheat cultivars.
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Key words
wheat leaf rust,gene postulation,slow-rusting resistance,molecular marker
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