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P‐16.13: Process Improvement for solving issue of the SiOxNy peeling on glass

SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers(2021)

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Dual SiOxNy shadow elimination is a common film design used in integrated color display devices. This article studied the influence factor of SiOxNy adhesion on glass. Therefore, the issue adhesion SiOxNy on glass is particularly important. The factors of affecting adhesion mainly include the several points: glass and layer surface properties, glass surface treatment, and adding transition layer. In view of the above points, we made a of lot methods such as glass shelf life control, glass pickling treatment and SiO2 transition layer respectively. Through optimizing process improvement, the final issues ratio was down from 50% to 0.84%, and by adding the SiO2 transition we solve the issue permanently.
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sioxny peeling,glass
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