
Effect of sucrose beverage intake on blood glucose level and insulin secretion

Proceedings for Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society(2021)

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Obesity and diabetes mellitus are thought to be in part due to sugar intake from high-calorie beverages. Glucose tolerance test is used for diagnosing diabetes, but glucose is actually seldom used in beverages. Therefore, we focused on sucrose, the most used as sweeteners and examined the difference in blood glucose level and insulin secretion amount between the intake methods and the types of sweeteners. Male ddY mice were divided into three groups: water group, sucrose group, and glucose group. Furthermore, it was divided into three groups: an intraperitoneal administration group, an oral administration group, and free intake group. The free intake group was divided into the presence and absence of food and each group was freely ingested for one hour. Blood was collected 0, 30, and 60 minutes after the start of the experiment. From the experimental results, in the presence of food, blood glucose levels increased and insulin was secreted in all groups. In the absence of food, in the glucose-group, the increase in blood glucose level was larger than that with food, but the amount of insulin secretion was small. In the sucrose-group, the increase in blood glucose level was as moderate as compared with glucose-group, but insulin was slightly secreted. It is speculated that hyperglycemia may continue due to insufficient insulin secretion when consuming only sucrose beverage.
sucrose beverage intake,insulin secretion,blood glucose level
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