
Social Facilitation of Energy Intake in Adult Women is Sustained over Three Days in a Crossover Laboratory Experiment and is Not Compensated for under Free-Living Conditions


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People eat more when they eat a meal with familiar others than they do when eating alone. However, it is unknown whether eating socially impacts intake over the longer-term. The aim of Study 1 was to examine whether socially facilitated intake is sustained across all meals and across three consecutive days. The aim of Study 2 was to examine whether increased intake during a social meal taken in the laboratory is compensated for under free-living conditions. In Study 1, adult women (n = 26) ate all their meals across three days either with a friend or alone in a counterbalanced cross-over design. In Study 2 adult women (n = 63) consumed a meal in the laboratory either alone or with two friends and then recorded everything they ate and drank for the next three days using electronic food diary software. In Study 1 intake across 3 days was significantly greater in the Social (M = 7310 kcal, SD = 1114) than in the Alone condition (M = 6770 kcal, SD = 974) (F(1,423) = 16.10, p < .001, d = 0.51). In Study 2 participants consumed significantly more in the laboratory when eating with their friends (M = 1209 kcal, SD = 340) than when eating alone (M = 962 kcal, SD = 301) (F(1,63) = 13.28, p = .001, d = 0.77). Analysis of food diary data plus laboratory intake showed that intake remained significantly greater in the Social (M = 6396 kcal, SD = 1470) than in the Alone condition after 4 days (M = 5776 kcal, SD = 1182) (F(1,59) = 5.59, p = .021, d = 0.05). These results show that social facilitation of eating is sustained over three days and suggest that people fail to compensate for the social facilitation of eating.
Social influences,Food intake,Compensation,Food diary,Laboratory study
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