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The Alberta Wildland Fuels Inventory Program (AWFIP): Data Description and Reference Tables

Annals of forest science(2022)

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Key message This document describes a dataset obtained from a field sampling program conducted in Alberta, Canada. Field data were used to describe the structure and composition of forest stands, including several fuel loads (e.g., surface, understory, canopy fuels). The dataset can be downloaded from and metadata is available at Abstract We present a quality-checked and curated dataset obtained from a field sampling program conducted in the province of Alberta, Canada. Field data were used to describe the structure and composition of forest stands documented in 476 sampling events. Each sampling event record consists of 42 different variables, including several fuel loads (e.g., surface, understory, canopy fuels). The dataset has been created for operational and research applications including but not limited to fuel classification, estimation of fuel attributes from remote sensing technologies, fuel treatment planning, fire behavior prediction, and use in high resolution fire growth models.
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Fuel load,Fuel measurement,Fire behavior,Forest structure,Field inventory,Vegetation management,Fuel treatment
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