BET: Black-box Efficient Testing for Convolutional Neural Networks

ISSTA 2022: Proceedings of the 31st ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis(2022)

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It is important to test convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to identify defects (e.g. error-inducing inputs) before deploying them in security-sensitive scenarios. Although existing white-box testing methods can effectively test CNN models with high neuron coverage, they are not applicable to privacy-sensitive scenarios where full knowledge of target CNN models is lacking. In this work, we propose a novel Black-box Efficient Testing (BET) method for CNN models. The core insight of BET is that CNNs are generally prone to be affected by continuous perturbations . Thus, by generating such continuous perturbations in a black-box manner, we design a tunable objective function to guide our testing process for thoroughly exploring defects in different decision boundaries of the target CNN models. We further design an efficiency-centric policy to find more error-inducing inputs within a fixed query budget. We conduct extensive evaluations with three well-known datasets and five popular CNN structures. The results show that BET significantly outperforms existing white-box and black-box testing methods considering the effective error-inducing inputs found in a fixed query/inference budget. We further show that the error-inducing inputs found by BET can be used to fine-tune the target model, improving its accuracy by up to 3%.
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