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Polder pumping-station for the future: designing and retrofitting infrastructure systems under structural uncertainty

Jos Timmermans, Emiel van Druten, Marcel Wauben,Jan Kwakkel


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In designing and retrofitting infrastructure systems, engineers are increasingly confronted by uncertainties about the future operating conditions of these systems, stemming from climate change or rapid socio-economic development. Particularly for long-lived capital-intensive infrastructure components like pumping stations, current engineering practices need to be complemented by structured approaches for designing infrastructures whose performance is robust to a wide range of possible future operating conditions. This paper presents multi-objective robust simulation as a viable approach. We investigate its applicability in a case study of the re-design of a polder pumping-station in The Netherlands. The research demonstrates the added value of multi-objective robust simulation in establishing robust design alternatives. The approach generates additional decision relevant insights into the performance of the pumping-station under uncertain future conditions while supplying decision-makers with the information required to make informed trade-offs amongst key design choices.
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Climate adaptation, infrastructure, pumping station, deep uncertainty, robust decision making
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