
Enhancing the Detection and Care of Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia in Primary Care: Cost-Effectiveness and Return on Investment

Clara Marquina, Jedidiah Morton, Tom Brett, Melanie Lloyd, Jan Radford, Clare Heal, Charlotte Hespe, Gerard Gill, David Sullivan, Ella Zomer, Ian Li, Jing Pang, Gerald F. Watts, Zanfina Ademi

Circulation Genomic and precision medicine(2023)

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Background:Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) is under-detected and undertreated. A general practitioner-led screening and care program for HeFH effectively identified and managed patients with HeFH. We evaluated the cost-effectiveness and the return on investment of an enhanced-care strategy for HeFH in primary care in Australia. Methods:We developed a multistate Markov model to estimate the outcomes and costs of a general practitioner-led detection and management strategy for HeFH in primary care compared with the standard of care in Australia. The population comprised individuals aged 50 to 80 years, of which 44% had prior cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular risk, HeFH prevalence, treatment effects, and acute and chronic health care costs were derived from published sources. The study involved screening for HeFH using a validated data-extraction tool (TARB-Ex), followed by a consultation to improve care. The detection rate of HeFH was 16%, and 74% of the patients achieved target LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol). Quality-adjusted life years, health care costs, productivity losses, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, and return on investment ratio were evaluated, outcomes discounted by 5% annually, adopting a health care and a societal perspective. Results:Over the lifetime horizon, the model estimated a gain of 870 years of life lived and 1033 quality-adjusted life years when the general practitioner-led program was employed compared with standard of care. This resulted in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of AU$14 664/quality-adjusted life year gained from a health care perspective. From a societal perspective, this strategy, compared with standard of care was cost-saving, with a return on investment of AU$5.64 per dollar invested. Conclusions:An enhanced general practitioner-led model of care for HeFH is likely to be cost-effective.
cardiovascular disease,hypercholesterolemia,prevalence,proprotein convertase,subtilisin
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