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Precise Targeting for 3D Cryo-Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy Volume Imaging of Tissues Using a FinderTOP

Communications biology(2023)

Cited 1|Views19
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A cryoCLEM workflow that correlates cryo confocal microscopy with 3D cryoFIB/SEM volume imaging enables targeted imaging of tissues in their near-native state from the millimeter to nanometer length scales. Cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (cryoCLEM) is a powerful strategy to high resolution imaging in the unperturbed hydrated state. In this approach fluorescence microscopy aids localizing the area of interest, and cryogenic focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopy (cryoFIB/SEM) allows preparation of thin cryo-lamellae for cryoET. However, the current method cannot be accurately applied on bulky (3D) samples such as tissues and organoids. 3D cryo-correlative imaging of large volumes is needed to close the resolution gap between cryo-light microscopy and cryoET, placing sub-nanometer observations in a larger biological context. Currently technological hurdles render 3D cryoCLEM an unexplored approach. Here we demonstrate a cryoCLEM workflow for tissues, correlating cryo-Airyscan confocal microscopy with 3D cryoFIB/SEM volume imaging. Accurate correlation is achieved by imprinting a FinderTOP pattern in the sample surface during high pressure freezing, and allows precise targeting for cryoFIB/SEM volume imaging.
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