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Methodology for Development of an Electric Charging Synthetic Load Profile

CIRED Porto Workshop 2022 E-mobility and power distribution systems(2022)

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E-mobility is a rapidly growing alternative transportation solution in Europe. Tens of thousands of electric vehicles (EV) are bought on the continent every month. At the same time, the number of public charging points is growing dynamically. These fast and rapid chargers are mostly connected to the low voltage (LV) network; therefore, it is necessary to focus on the effects of electric vehicle charging on the distribution grid. The scope of the proposed paper focuses on the public charger load profile modelling. The initial hypothesis of the research presumes that the neighbourhood of the EV charger determines user behaviour. The presented novel EV load profile modelling technique quantifies and ensembles the weighted local factors following a bottom-up approach.
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electric charging synthetic load profile,transportation solution,Europe,public charging points,low voltage network,distribution grid,public charger load profile modelling,EV charger,electric vehicle charging,EV load profile modelling,bottom-up approach
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