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The Impact of Visualizing Operational Deviations on Overall Quality in Assembly Lines

Ebly Sanchez, Axel Joelsson, Matthias Andersson Baumgartner,Knut Åkesson

Procedia CIRP(2022)

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A framework for data collection and visualization of operational deviation at a Volvo truck manufacturing plant implementing Volvo Group’s production system, Volvo Production System (VPS), is presented. This includes visualisation of daily quality performance indicators to support decision making and improvement actions at the shop foor team level. The approach is evaluated in a qualitatively study using a survey instrument to collect responses from managers and team leaders, which acted as input for the actual use of the data and as validation of the framework. The results from this evaluation show that potentially operational deviations can be reduced, impacting positively quality performance indicators such as frst-time through (FTT). This paper also provides a brief description of the VPS in connection with data analytics and visualization.
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Operational deviations,Quality performance,Volvo Production System
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